Discover CDeL
Established in 1960, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka remains one of the pillars of university education, research and scholarship in Nigeria. As the first indigenous university in Nigeria, the University of Nigeria was founded at independence in 1960 upon the philosophy “To seek Truth, teach Truth and preserve Truth” with the mandate “To Restore the Dignity of Man”.
The Distance and e-Learning Centre is consistent with a core objective of the University, declared at inception: “to organize, improve and extend education of a university standard’. In line with the vision of the founding fathers of the university, the current administration seeks to make the UNN an academic giant and pacesetter in research, innovative teaching, and robustness of its community service and global visibility.
The university has established the CDeL to meet the demand for higher-level education, required by a worldwide audience, who are desirous to gain knowledge without permanent change in residency or current life-schedule while maintaining quality education accessible through the CDeL with interactive, actionable and relevant learning that is flexible, diverse, breeding collaboration and supporting students to reach personal and career goals.
Vision Statement
To be a centre of international standard noted for clear and unique focus on open and distance learning programmes, as well as innovative and appropriate pedagogy. In this regard, our vision is to become a centre of excellence in open and distance learning ranking among the worl's best
Mission Statement
To offer all persons who desire to fulfill their eduational aspirations but can not due to constraints of time, space and employment, an unimpeded access to high, quality, lifelong education capable of restoring their dignity through flexible, blended and ICT-enabled learning platforms
Programmes are same
as offline MBA.
NUC Accredited
CDeL Complex,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
Phone: +234 9087657032
Email: support.cdel@unn.edu.ng
Learners Support
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CDeL Complex, UNN
Enugu State, Nigeria
Centre for Distance and e-Learning (CDeL) UNN gets a new Director - Professor (Mrs.) Stella Ngozi Nwizu